
Le baiser

Les valeurs que cette sculpture représente : la paix, la tolérance et la solidarité, sont plus importantes que jamais, et il me semble essentiel de les célébrer et de les promouvoir.

by Ludovic Baron


0.6 ETH
8 of 8 Editions Available

Artwork Properties

  • Published: 2023-04-27 16:26:39
  • File format: jpeg

NFT Details

  • Contract address: 0xeb0f56d830224B13DDdDf579484e9B083Cb01054
  • Type: ERC-721
  • Blockchain: Ethereum
  • Second market royalties: 10%


Indigo (The seventh color)

An artistic reflection on the capacity for human society to apprehend natural diversity and oddities, through the prism of the indigo controversy